The Beauty of Facial Acupuncture: Boosting Lifetime Value and Customer Visits

The Benefits of Facial Acupuncture

By Xiyuan “Alex” Qiu, L.Ac. In the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture is often associated with its powerful healing properties. However, in recent years, a remarkable shift has occurred, with people increasingly turning to acupuncture for its beautifying effects. Facial acupuncture, once a well-kept secret, has now gained mainstream attention as a natural…

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Beating the Winter Blues with TCM: Herbal Formulas and Acupuncture Points

By Xiyuan “Alex” Qiu, L.Ac. As professional acupuncturists and herbalists, you’re well aware that the winter season often brings its unique set of challenges, including the notorious “winter blues.” Many of your patients may experience a dip in mood, energy, or overall well-being during this time. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers valuable tools to help…

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Navigating the Holiday Season: TCM Tips for Stress Relief and Vitality

By Xiyuan “Alex” Qiu, L.Ac. As acupuncturists and herbalists, you understand that the holiday season can be a mixed bag of joy and stress for your patients. With the hustle and bustle of this time of year, stress and fatigue often take center stage. In this blog, we’ll explore how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can…

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Advancing Traditional Chinese Medicine: Recent Clinical Trials and Research Breakthroughs

By Xiyuan “Alex” Qiu, L.Ac. f For professional acupuncturists and herbalists, staying informed about recent clinical trials and research in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is essential to enhance your practice and build confidence among your patients. In this blog, we delve into some specific and recent clinical trials that provide valuable insights into the effectiveness…

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Alleviating Bi Syndrome (Bi Zheng) During The Winter

By Xiyuan “Alex” Qiu, L.Ac. As we transition from the crisp, autumn days to the colder, winter months, it’s essential for acupuncturists and herbalists to be well-prepared to help their patients suffering from Bi Syndrome, particularly Cold Damp Bi Syndrome. This specific type of Bi Syndrome can worsen during the winter, leading to discomfort and…

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Simplify Your Practice with Individually Packaged Granule Packs

For acupuncturists and herbalists who create their own herbal formulas, convenience, precision, and quality are paramount. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners are constantly seeking ways to enhance the efficiency of their practice while ensuring the best possible patient care. Granule packs can transform your practice, making herbal prescribing more straightforward, accurate, and patient-centered. Precision and…

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TCMzone, a US Pioneer of Granule Herbs for Healthcare Practitioners

By Sherri Taylor, L.Ac. TCMzone, LLC is a leading national herbal product company located in Tempe, Arizona that has raised the standard of Chinese Medicine.   TCMzone utilizes high quality contract manufacturers in Japan and China.  TCMzone’s specialty is modernizing Chinese Medicine by offering the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and providing a modern day…

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