Astral Diagnosis in Acupuncture: Exploring Energetic Layers


By Xiyuan “Alex” Qiu, L.Ac.

In the nuanced realm of acupuncture, where the tangible meets the intangible, practitioners often seek avenues to deepen their understanding of the body’s energetic landscape. Astral diagnosis emerges as a profound exploration, inviting advanced acupuncturists and herbalists to delve beyond the physical realm into the subtle dimensions of energy. This blog unravels the concept of astral diagnosis, offering insights into how practitioners can navigate these energetic layers for a more holistic and comprehensive approach to acupuncture.

1. The Astral Tapestry: Understanding Energetic Layers

At the heart of astral diagnosis lies the recognition that the body is not merely a physical entity but an intricate tapestry of energies. Advanced practitioners explore:

  • Qi as Essence: Viewing Qi as the essence that permeates all levels of being, from the physical body to the ethereal realms.
  • Energetic Layers: Recognizing the existence of energetic layers that extend beyond the physical, encompassing emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions.
  • Astral Matrix: Acknowledging the astral matrix as the interconnected web that weaves together the diverse threads of energy within the body.

2. Beyond the Physical: Energetic Pathways and Points

Meridians and AcupunctureAstral diagnosis prompts acupuncturists to navigate beyond the physical form and engage with energetic pathways and points:

  • Meridian Exploration: Extending the understanding of meridians as conduits for Qi flow, not limited to the physical body but extending into the astral plane.
  • Astral Points: Identifying astral points within the energy matrix, where subtle blockages or imbalances may manifest before becoming evident in the physical body.
  • Energetic Correspondences: Establishing correlations between physical symptoms and their energetic origins in the astral realm.

3. Astral Pulse: Sensing Beyond the Physical Heartbeat

In astral diagnosis, the pulse transcends its physical manifestation, becoming a gateway to the energetic pulse of the astral body:

  • Qualitative Pulse Assessment: Moving beyond the quantitative assessment, practitioners delve into the qualitative aspects of the pulse, sensing the vibrational frequencies of astral energies.
  • Energetic Resonance: Discerning the resonance within the pulse, where imbalances in the astral body may manifest as subtle variations in pulse qualities.
  • Pulse as Astral Signature: Viewing the pulse as a signature of the astral body, offering insights into the vibrational harmony or disharmony within.

4. Ethereal Acupuncture: Beyond Needling the Physical Body

Astral diagnosis expands the scope of acupuncture, guiding practitioners to needle not only the physical body but also the ethereal layers:

  • Energetic Needling: Infusing intention into acupuncture needling, directing Qi to specific astral points for holistic balance.
  • Connecting with Spirit: Creating a sacred space within the acupuncture session to connect with the patient’s spirit, facilitating healing on spiritual and astral planes.
  • Astral Meridians: Exploring the existence of astral meridians that intersect with physical meridians, influencing the flow of Qi on multiple levels.

Adaptogenic Herbs5. Astral Herbs: Nourishing Beyond the Physical Realm

Herbalism in astral diagnosis transcends the material properties of herbs, delving into their energetic essences:

  • Energetic Signatures: Identifying herbs based on their astral signatures, considering the vibrational qualities that resonate with the patient’s energetic constitution.
  • Herbal Alchemy: Blending herbs to create alchemical synergies that address imbalances not only in the physical body but also in the astral matrix.
  • Energetic Medicine: Viewing herbal formulas as energetic medicine that penetrates the astral layers, promoting harmony and balance.

6. Astral Imprints: Trauma and Healing Across Lifetimes

Astral diagnosis acknowledges the imprints of past experiences and traumas, transcending the boundaries of current lifetimes:

  • Karmic Energetics: Exploring the concept of karmic imprints within the astral body, understanding how past experiences may influence current health.
  • Healing Across Lifetimes: Guiding patients through astral healing journeys to address unresolved energies and facilitate healing across the continuum of time.
  • Energetic Release: Utilizing acupuncture and herbs to release astral imprints, allowing patients to free themselves from the energetic patterns that no longer serve them.

7. Astrological Influences: Celestial Threads in the Energetic Matrix

The celestial dance of planets and stars leaves imprints on the astral body, influencing health and well-being:

  • Astrological Mapping: Integrating astrological insights into astral diagnosis, considering the influence of planetary energies on the body’s energy matrix.
  • Energetic Resonance: Exploring how patients may resonate with specific astrological archetypes, affecting their predisposition to certain health patterns.
  • Seasonal Alignment: Aligning acupuncture and herbal treatments with the energetic shifts reflected in celestial movements, fostering resonance with the natural cycles.

8. Astral Travel: Guiding Patients on Inner Journeys

Astral diagnosis opens the door to inner exploration, guiding patients on transformative journeys within the astral realms:

  • Guided Meditations: Integrating guided meditations within acupuncture sessions, allowing patients to explore their astral landscape and connect with inner wisdom.
  • Energetic Regression: Facilitating regression techniques to explore past experiences within the astral plane, unveiling insights for healing.
  • Spiritual Integration: Supporting patients in integrating astral experiences into their daily lives, fostering spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Sound Therapy with Tuning Forks9. Vibrational Medicine: Sound and Color Therapies

The vibrational qualities of sound and color become integral tools in astral diagnosis, influencing the energetic frequencies within the body:

  • Sound Resonance: Utilizing sound therapies, such as tuning forks or sound bowls, to harmonize astral energies and restore balance.
  • Color Harmonics: Incorporating color therapies to balance specific energetic centers within the astral body, aligning with the principles of chromotherapy.
  • Energetic Attunement: Using vibrational medicine as a means of attuning the astral body, promoting a sense of wholeness and vibrancy.

10. Ethical Considerations: Navigating the Astral Landscape Responsibly

Astral diagnosis carries ethical considerations, urging practitioners to approach this realm with reverence and responsibility:

  • Informed Consent: Ensuring that patients are informed about the astral diagnostic approach and providing a platform for open communication.
  • Respecting Boundaries: Respecting the patient’s boundaries within the astral landscape, avoiding intrusion into sensitive or private energetic spaces.
  • Integrating with Conventional Care: Collaborating with other healthcare practitioners and respecting conventional medical diagnoses while utilizing astral insights as a complementary aspect.

In the tapestry of acupuncture, astral diagnosis unfolds as a profound exploration of the interconnected cosmos of healing. Advanced acupuncturists and herbalists, attuned to the subtleties of energy, embark on a journey that transcends the physical, guiding patients toward holistic well-being across multiple dimensions. As practitioners weave the threads of astral diagnosis into their therapeutic repertoire, the resonance of energy, spirit, and healing harmonizes, creating a symphony that echoes beyond the clinic walls into the vast expanse of the energetic cosmos.


  • Maciocia, G. (2015). The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Deadman, P., Al-Khafaji, M., & Baker, K. (2001). A Manual of Acupuncture. Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications.
  • Beinfield, H., & Korngold, E. (1992). Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine. Random House.
  • Tierra, M. (1998). The Way of Chinese Herbs. Pocket Books.
  • Gerber, R. (2001). Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies. Bear & Company.